Hey Sis, We’ll Be O.K.
Self-Care Tips to Find Peace & Resilience After the Election
If the election has you feeling all types of ways, you’re not alone. I know the weight that moments like these can place on our hearts and minds. And while the world keeps turning, our peace and well-being matter, too. Here are 10+ real ways to protect your peace, ground yourself, and keep those connections with your community strong.
1. Take a Break from Media
For an hour, a day, a month- disconnect from the news including social media. We’ve seen enough. We’re constantly bombarded with updates, think pieces, and fresh takes but sometimes we need a break to breathe and refocus. Consider muting certain pages for a bit or just step away entirely. Set aside certain times for updates if you need to, but make sure you’re not glued to it. Protecting your mental space is vital. Be selective about what you open yourself up to and the media you take in.
2. Breathe Deeply – Let It Out
Deep breaths help more than we realize. Notice your body feeling tight, shoulders up to your ears, jaw clenched? Release. Take a few moments in your day to breathe in for a count of four, hold, and then let it out for a count of four. Picture yourself releasing any stress or worry with each exhale. This is time for you to feel grounded and steady. Focusing on our breath is a simple and powerful tool to focus on our connection to ourselves and stay in the present moment.
3. Move Your Body
Similar to deep breathing, moving your body can have amazing effects on your mood and sense of calm and control. Have you been considering trying that new hot yoga class? Now’s a great time. However you enjoy it – a walk around the block, an afternoon hike, dancing to your favorite song in your living room- do something. Moving your body is a powerful tool to release stress. Get those endorphins flowing and reconnect with yourself!
4. Go Touch Some Grass
No, for real. Go outside and breathe in the fresh air. Nature has a way of bringing us back to center. Take a few minutes to sit outside or go for a walk at the beginning of your day and around lunch time. Even in the city, go find a quiet spot with some trees to just breathe in fresh air and let nature’s calm wash over you. The world is a big and beautiful place and when we’re upset, it can feel closed in, dark, and isolating. Those trees you’re standing amongst have grown through many election cycles, and so will you. Need a fresh perspective? Step outside.
5. Let it Out
Don’t keep all your thoughts and feelings about the election inside. Now is a perfect time to check in with your friends, family, or anyone in your village who lifts you up. Bring it up in therapy. Share your thoughts, listen to theirs, and feel the power of togetherness. You don’t have to get into specifics. Think, who can you count on to listen and give empathy about what’s on your chest? If nobody comes to mind, try journaling. Writing it out can be such a release. Put those thoughts, feelings, and worries on paper – no filter. Journaling isn’t about being perfect; it’s about getting real with yourself and letting go of what’s weighing you down. You can start writing about your reactions and fears and end with writing about your strengths and hopes for the future.
6. Practice Gratitude
Even when times feel heavy, there’s always something to be grateful for. Each day, reflect on three things that bring you joy, comfort, or peace. It could be as simple as a warm cup of tea, comfort show that you love, or a call with a friend. Try a gratitude journal if you want more specific prompts to focus on what you’re truly grateful for.
7. Show Kindness – It Lifts Us All Up
Spreading kindness, even in small ways, changes our energy and helps lift up everyone around us. Send a thoughtful text, be that listening ear for a friend, or help a neighbor. Kindness keeps our community strong, and the energy we put out is what we receive.
8. Focus on Your Wheel of Control
It’s easy to feel like things are totally out of your control, but you are strong, capable, and resilient. You decide how you want to act with the power you have every day. Whether it’s working on a project, setting a personal goal, or just showing up as our best selves, keep that focus on what you can control.
9. Don’t Check Out, Lean In
Speaking of showing up in your power, think of ways you can lean into the values and issues that matter most to you! You know, those things that catalyzed you to go vote or kept you on the couch in protest? They still matter. Find a local group or gathering that feeds your spirit. Whether it’s joining an organization, attending a virtual meetup, or starting a political podcast, show up. Leaning into using your voice and building connections brings us closer to each other and reminds us that we’re in this together.
10. Block out the actual haters: Protect your peace from Misogyny, Racism, Xenophobia, Transphobia, etc.
This election had major social issues on the line and the rhetoric got nasty at times. It’s draining to face all the -isms, especially when they’re intertwined. Give yourself permission to feel anger, sadness, or frustration. Your feelings are valid and deserve to be heard – even if it’s just with yourself or in a safe space. Protect your peace by setting clear boundaries with people who bring negativity into your space. Distance yourself from people and spaces that don’t respect you fully.
Instead, seek out spaces where your voice is heard, valued, and respected. Look for gatherings where you can find support, understanding, and encouragement to be yourself without compromise.
Advocate for yourself and others whenever you’re able to. Taking a stand for yourself is an act of resilience and self-love.
Self- Love affirmations can be incredible tools. Remind yourself of your strength, beauty, intelligence, and resilience daily. Reclaiming and reaffirming your worth is a powerful way to heal & stay connected.
In the aftermath of a major election emotions are stirred up and division can sink in. Listen to your thoughts, your feelings, and your body to know what you truly need to cope. Taking intentional steps toward managing worries and difficult feelings and connecting with others can make a meaningful difference.
If you’re finding it hard to navigate these times alone, consider scheduling a session with a therapist who can provide the support and guidance you need to feel grounded and at peace. Therapy can be a powerful tool in building resilience, so you don’t have to go through this journey on your own.
If you’re looking for a therapist- we could be a good fit! Schedule a Free Intro Call Today.